Videos about Veris Behavior

Discover Our Technology

Explore our technology, settings, and projects we have worked on with Veris Videos.

Analytics Platform

Discover how the customized heatmap viewer we created for each company could look like.

Virtual Winery Event Recap

Relive the experience of the virtual tour we created for the Basque Government and executed at the Food4Future fair.

Veris Behavior Showcasing Event

What is the Veris experience like? Discover in this video the user’s experience within a food study using our technology.

Onboarding Process

Learn about the onboarding process to our technology that is presented before any study.

Virtual Reality Demo Bar

We have developed bar scenarios focused on testing advertising, service dialogues, menu, among others.

Web Study Experience

Example of the immersive web version of our solution for conducting immersive studies.

Product Heatmap

Discover how 3D product heatmaps look like in Veris.

Guided Tour of Txakoli Winery,

Relive the complete experience we created for the Basque Government of a guided tour of a Txakoli winery in Virtual Reality.

Virtual Pharmacy Demo

We have developed pharmacy scenarios for pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies, among others, to test their marketing and product strategies. (This is just a demo, and we can develop custom scenarios.)

Assisted Purchase or Ethnographic Study

In this video, you will see how the process of assisted purchase with Veris or an ethnographic study can be.

Copyright. Veris Behavior. 2023